Best Seafood in Galicia to Eat

I have been road-tripping during Galicia now and I must admit that after all I heard about the seafood here, there have been a lot of nice surprises on the way. Galicia is the area of Spain and features miles of pristine shoreline. The Atlantic waters round Galicia are renown.

Best Seafood in Galicia to Eat

1. Mejillones (Mussels)

2. Zamburiñas (Scallops)

Many of the yummy creatures bandied across Galicia’s shore aren’t found anywhere else on Earth, so I chose to tell you about the very best seafood in Galicia to eat, which makes this area a distinctive epicenter. It’s also worth a mention which the standing in food of Galicia doesn’t end with mollusks. The area is the birthplace of this refreshing Albariño white wine and features Spain’s best beef.

3. Navajas (Atlantic Jackknife Clam)

I want to share some of the Very best seafood in Galicia that I was fortunate enough to experience so Much:

4. Ostras (Oysters)

Mussels can be found throughout the world and are consumed by men and women for centuries. Steamed mussels have tried in France and North America mussels at Turkey, however Galician mussel recipes are phenomenal. Most frequent is the steamed variety. The mussels are kept alive till they are steamed to perfection and garnished with lemon wedges.

5. Percebes (Goose Barnacle)

Another way of preparing mussels is to serve them and to steam them , add raw onions, garlic and tomato. This was an amazing and quite refreshing dish that I had at A Guarda.

Best Seafood in Galicia to Eat

6. Pulpo (Octopus)

A third method of preparing mussels is also ideal for cocktail parties- watch them disappear in no time and to function with toothpicks. In Vigo I had them cooked and then soaked in a combination of ginger, fresh garlic leaves and olive oil. Lip-smackingly fantastic to say the very least.

Best Seafood in Galicia to Eat

Unlike the white, round scallops generally served across the world, Zamburiñas are tender scallops indigenous into the cold Atlantic around Galicia. They are most often served steamed, but are widely available baked in the shell.

These clams may inflict quite a lot of pain and are difficult to find. The clam is protected by their razor shells from birds and fish. Is a juicy and delicious meat that requires no seasoning at all besides some lemon juice. Navajas may seem unattractive, however they are jam-packed using a delicate flavor.

Oysters are some of the very best seafood in Galicia! There’s a famous street in Vigo named Fish Street Fish or Calle Pescaderia. Here the custom of oysters for the public was upheld for over a hundred years. The oysters are large, sexy, and super fresh. It is. They’re pricy however; a half dozen prices 7.50 Euros and a dozen prices 15 Euros. They’re worth every cent and taste just like a million bucks.

This dreadful creature only resides in aguas braves, or”angry seas.” They simply grow on both sides of rocks AKA waters. This is the only means since they can’t swim that they can absorb nutrients. To harvest Percebes is a dangerous, often deadly endeavor. Brave fishermen attach themselves with ropes to rocks as the tide rolls outside, to be able to scrape the barnacles off the rocks. They capture as many as possible literally stung by a thread. This is why they are sought-after and extremely costly. By snapping them their tender purple-colored beef is vulnerable, which is the edible part of the animal. They literally taste just like the sea and have been a particular treat for anybody fortunate enough to manage them.

Best Seafood in Galicia to Eat

Last but not least is the octopus that is almighty. Octopus is served in many most nations across the globe, however octopus, or even Pulpo Gallego, is arguably the most way of preparing this monster. It is the most renowned of all Galician seafood plates. Classic Galician octopus dusted with paprika and sea salt and is cooked and served under chopped potato slices. Octopus is served across Galicia during festivals and vacations.

Best Seafood in Galicia to Eat

Galicians have also cleverly come up with another method of coordinating octopus- carpaccio style. A seaside restaurant at Ourense serves delicate slices of octopus drizzled with balsamic vinegar and olive oil, and garnished with chopped parsley. Talk about action that is melt-in-your-mouth!

Best Seafood in Galicia to Eat

When it’s fried, sautéed, steamed, or raw, Galician seafood has proved to be at a class of its own. I have also tried different kinds of fish filets, breads stuffed with xoubas (sardines) and bacalao (cod fish), steamed prawns, boiled crab and more. . The tradition in seafood is an amazing and timeless one. So the next time you’re thinking about visiting with Spain, don’t overlook this spectacular region. Galicia sports several excellent sea snacks which should not be missed Apart from having some of the friendliest people I have ever met!

Best Seafood in Galicia to Eat

Oh, and I am unable to forget to mention that each meal ought to be ended with a little shot or”chupito.”

Best Seafood in Galicia to Eat

You know what they say, When in Spain…

Which are your favourite seafood dishes from Spain? Leave us a comment below!

Best Seafood in Galicia to Eat

Thanks for helping to Turgalicia make this trip possible.