VIDEO: A Regional Guide to San Salvador

VIDEO: A Regional Guide to San Salvador

David’s Been This takes us about the road from Santa Ana to San Salvador’s capital city.

After a break, David takes off a neighborhood eatery where he attempts some traditional food and drink exclusive to El Salvador, for Tipicos Margoth. By pupusas, a corn tortilla mixed with beans, cheese and pork, to horchata, a seed drink, David falls in love with all the fare and the laid back setting it is served in. When visiting the capital city, both the food and the restaurant are a must try.

Continuing the tour, David takes off to see the archaeological side of El Salvador, where he’ll visit three sites of important Mayan ruins as well as Lake Coatepeque. Check out these sites here, and find out everything you need to know about visiting the ruins and capital city with the DBH Guide: El Salvador- also available for your Kindle.

VIDEO: A Regional Guide to San Salvador